
Pure for the professional

Product detail

Controlled release on a tee, fairway or sports field prevents growth spikes, decreases mowing activity and facilitates fertilisation planning. This makes estimation of costs easier and creates opportunities to save on mowing by preventing growth peaks. Obviously, these advantages cannot undermine plant quality.

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Season is a controlled release fertiliser with a regulated supply of 3 months

Season is a controlled release fertiliser with a regulated supply of 3 months. It is an ideal fertiliser for summer and spring, thanks to the NPK ratio of 25-5-8. It also contain 3% MgO for the color of the grass. Using Pure Season can save money without sacrificing quality.

Characteristics of Season:

  • Controlled release ensures the right nutrition at the right moment;
  • Reduces leeching of nutrients to practically zero;
  • Coating based on plant oil, so no chemicals in the soil;
  • Nitrogen supply lasting 3 months.

Product specifications of Season

Nitrogen N 25% (30% coated) (N-NH₄ 2%, N-CH₄N₂O 23%);

  • P₂O₅ 5% (0% coated);
  • K₂O 8% (0%) coated;
  • MgO 3%;
  • SO₃ 12%;
  • organic material 1%;
  • Total coated 18%;
  • coating type: plant oils;
  • Packaging: 25 kg zak;
  • Granulate size: 3,1 mm;
  • Density: 43 pellets per gram;
  • Effective period: 3 months at 21℃.

Sports & Golf Fairway, tees and sports fields: use 140 to 180 kg per ha. 3 times per season from a soil temperature of 8℃.
Agri- and horticulture Use 120 to 180 kg per ha based on nitrogen demand. Ideal for corn.
Parks and gardens Use 20 to 30 gram per m²; 3 times per season with 3 month intervals.